Carpet Cleaning Las Vegas

This is What Happens When You Hire Carpet Cleaning Services

by ciadmin ciadmin No Comments

Most of the homeowners probably been puzzled in choosing the best way to maintain cleanliness in the property. Preserving the value of your property is important when you want to sell it in near future. You can do this by keeping your facility neat and clean. From all the aspects of your property, clean carpeted areas have great significance in increasing the value of your property. Here, choosing result-oriented carpet cleaning services is beneficial.

Major Reasons For Hiring Carpet Cleaning Services

1. Everyday stains or accumulation of dirt on your carpet is common, but dealing it in the right way matters the most. The longer a stain remains on your carpet it will become difficult for you to remove. Here, hiring professional carpet cleaning services will help you get rid of old stains. Also, advise you on how to deal with the carpet stains the right way.

2. Want to enjoy the comfort of soft carpet for many years? Using the chemical-free cleaning agents, professionals provide you neat and clean carpet causing no damage. Also, as the cleaning products are eco-friendly it is safe for your kids and pet. And it prolongs the lifespan of your carpeted areas.

3. Long-term saving on carpet cleaning and repairs is what every homeowner dreams. Hiring carpet cleaning services saves you both money and effort on the costly carpet maintenance. This is because the professionals providing cleaning services ensure to deep clean your dirty carpet, eliminating all dust contaminants.

4. Investing money on cleaning dirty and not getting satisfactory results is the most frustrating feeling. Choosing carpet cleaning services from the renowned company will guarantee you thorough cleaning. It will help you make your carpeted area look and smell better. No matter how hard stain or spills, professionals can eliminate it.

Ready To Get Best Value For Your Investment?

Carpets are one of the expensive investments. Therefore, it becomes important to keep it clean throughout the year. One way to get the value of your investment is by choosing carpet cleaning services. We, at Eco Friend Carpet Care, are the experts in cleaning every type of carpet fabric while removing stains and dust pollutants. Looking for more details on our cleaning services? Contact us at (702) 768-4900 or follow us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+, and YouTube to get recent updates and offers.

Top 3 Carpet Cleaning Hacks That Every Homeowner Needs

by ciadmin ciadmin No Comments

Carpet is the element which adds beauty and elegance to your home. However, they attract dirt, stains and pet hair. Over time, you realize that your carpet tone has become darker than before. The reason is the accumulation of dust pollutants and liquids spill on the carpet. Here, you require thorough carpet cleaning which eliminates all the dust pollutants and stains.

Vacuuming can also help you remove the dirt from the carpet but it will only remove from the upper surface. So, with regular vacuuming quality cleaning is also important. This provides not only neat and clean carpet but also extend its life. But, where to start the cleaning process? This is one of the common questions which arises in every homeowner’s mind.

Here, we have mentioned the top 3 hacks about carpet cleaning to provide you with clean and healthy flooring.

Oil carpet freshener

If you want your carpet to smell fresh and good, then make sure you deodorize it by adding the few drops of essential oil and some baking soda. Just mix it well so the oil completely gets absorbed and then you can keep it in a glass container. When you want to use it, then shake the container and sprinkle it on the carpet, leave it for 10 minutes and then vacuum it. This way you can get a fresh and clean carpet surface.

Use iron to remove stains

Remember, do not put the hot iron on the carpet immediately as this can damage the fabric. Instead, first vacuum it so that all the dust pollutants gets removed and then dampen any stain or spot with a towel concentrated with a mixture of vinegar and water. After that, put the moist towel over the stain and use the iron to heat the towel. This way you can easily remove the stain without damaging the carpet fabric.

Fluffing technique

Does your carpet has lost its softness? Then fluff it up by using the spray containing the mixture of equal parts vinegar and water. Allow the mixture to settle down and then blot up the stain or affected area. Take a spoon and hold it on its side, then run on the carpet area to fluff up the fibers. So, that it can stand straight again, providing the feeling of softness.

Looking For More Carpet Cleaning Tips?

For more in-depth instructions on how to clean your carpet at home, contact Eco Friend Carpet Care. Along with useful cleaning tips, we also provide quality cleaning services to both residential and commercial clients in Las Vegas and nearby areas. To know more about our daily updates and new offers, follow us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+, and YouTube. Also, to make your bookings contact us at (702) 768-4900 or fill up our online inquiry form.