
This is What Happens When You Hire Carpet Cleaning Services

by ciadmin ciadmin No Comments

Most of the homeowners probably been puzzled in choosing the best way to maintain cleanliness in the property. Preserving the value of your property is important when you want to sell it in near future. You can do this by keeping your facility neat and clean. From all the aspects of your property, clean carpeted areas have great significance in increasing the value of your property. Here, choosing result-oriented carpet cleaning services is beneficial.

Major Reasons For Hiring Carpet Cleaning Services

1. Everyday stains or accumulation of dirt on your carpet is common, but dealing it in the right way matters the most. The longer a stain remains on your carpet it will become difficult for you to remove. Here, hiring professional carpet cleaning services will help you get rid of old stains. Also, advise you on how to deal with the carpet stains the right way.

2. Want to enjoy the comfort of soft carpet for many years? Using the chemical-free cleaning agents, professionals provide you neat and clean carpet causing no damage. Also, as the cleaning products are eco-friendly it is safe for your kids and pet. And it prolongs the lifespan of your carpeted areas.

3. Long-term saving on carpet cleaning and repairs is what every homeowner dreams. Hiring carpet cleaning services saves you both money and effort on the costly carpet maintenance. This is because the professionals providing cleaning services ensure to deep clean your dirty carpet, eliminating all dust contaminants.

4. Investing money on cleaning dirty and not getting satisfactory results is the most frustrating feeling. Choosing carpet cleaning services from the renowned company will guarantee you thorough cleaning. It will help you make your carpeted area look and smell better. No matter how hard stain or spills, professionals can eliminate it.

Ready To Get Best Value For Your Investment?

Carpets are one of the expensive investments. Therefore, it becomes important to keep it clean throughout the year. One way to get the value of your investment is by choosing carpet cleaning services. We, at Eco Friend Carpet Care, are the experts in cleaning every type of carpet fabric while removing stains and dust pollutants. Looking for more details on our cleaning services? Contact us at (702) 768-4900 or follow us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+, and YouTube to get recent updates and offers.

Top 3 Carpet Cleaning Hacks That Every Homeowner Needs

by ciadmin ciadmin No Comments

Carpet is the element which adds beauty and elegance to your home. However, they attract dirt, stains and pet hair. Over time, you realize that your carpet tone has become darker than before. The reason is the accumulation of dust pollutants and liquids spill on the carpet. Here, you require thorough carpet cleaning which eliminates all the dust pollutants and stains.

Vacuuming can also help you remove the dirt from the carpet but it will only remove from the upper surface. So, with regular vacuuming quality cleaning is also important. This provides not only neat and clean carpet but also extend its life. But, where to start the cleaning process? This is one of the common questions which arises in every homeowner’s mind.

Here, we have mentioned the top 3 hacks about carpet cleaning to provide you with clean and healthy flooring.

Oil carpet freshener

If you want your carpet to smell fresh and good, then make sure you deodorize it by adding the few drops of essential oil and some baking soda. Just mix it well so the oil completely gets absorbed and then you can keep it in a glass container. When you want to use it, then shake the container and sprinkle it on the carpet, leave it for 10 minutes and then vacuum it. This way you can get a fresh and clean carpet surface.

Use iron to remove stains

Remember, do not put the hot iron on the carpet immediately as this can damage the fabric. Instead, first vacuum it so that all the dust pollutants gets removed and then dampen any stain or spot with a towel concentrated with a mixture of vinegar and water. After that, put the moist towel over the stain and use the iron to heat the towel. This way you can easily remove the stain without damaging the carpet fabric.

Fluffing technique

Does your carpet has lost its softness? Then fluff it up by using the spray containing the mixture of equal parts vinegar and water. Allow the mixture to settle down and then blot up the stain or affected area. Take a spoon and hold it on its side, then run on the carpet area to fluff up the fibers. So, that it can stand straight again, providing the feeling of softness.

Looking For More Carpet Cleaning Tips?

For more in-depth instructions on how to clean your carpet at home, contact Eco Friend Carpet Care. Along with useful cleaning tips, we also provide quality cleaning services to both residential and commercial clients in Las Vegas and nearby areas. To know more about our daily updates and new offers, follow us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+, and YouTube. Also, to make your bookings contact us at (702) 768-4900 or fill up our online inquiry form.

Unlock the Importance of Commercial Carpet Cleaning

by ciadmin ciadmin No Comments

Carpets are one of the important parts of office environments because they help you create a comfortable yet refreshing working space. Also, appealing carpet flooring makes the first positive impression of your company and speak volumes on your care for the employee’s workplace. Here, commercial carpet cleaning plays a very important role.

Every carpet differs from each other and made up of contrasting fabrics. Therefore, if your commercial carpeting is designed for high foot traffic environments, then also you have to maintain it. Because you can’t guarantee that for how long will it can tolerate the foot traffic. Therefore, hiring experienced and reputable commercial carpet cleaning company is essential.

Why Professionals are Hired To Clean the Carpets?

This is one of the commonly asked questions among the business owners thinking for carpet cleaning. Professionals have years of experience and knowledge to perform every cleaning task. They know how and what it requires cleaning your commercial carpets thoroughly. Besides that, they deep clean your dirty carpets, preventing the accumulation of dirt and debris.

They use eco-friendly cleaning solutions which act as the protective layer against the factors responsible for reducing the life of your commercial carpet flooring. The commercial cleaning company also has a team of cleaners who have enough training to fulfill your carpet cleaning needs in a timely manner. There are other benefits of cleaning carpet for your workplace.

Merits of Carpet Cleaning For Your Commercial Space

  •    Increase employee productivity

Employees work harder in a neat and clean environment. An untidy workplace with dirty carpets can kill the motivation of the employees. Hiring a reputable commercial carpet cleaning company reflects your care towards workplace environment. Also, it helps the employee to work faster inhaling fresh smell.

  •    Attracts new customers to your business

Let’s face the reality, the appearance of your commercial workplace matters the most in up keeping and attracting new customers to your business. Having a grimy and unhealthy workplace are the main reasons that discourage employees or customers. Keeping your carpets clean with the help of an expert will encourage your customers to stay longer and invest money in your business.

  •    Save both money and time

Companies who are trying to hire their own carpet cleaning equipment and tools end up spending more money and then they hired someone to do the job. If you are the one, then stop to prevent the wastage of money and time. Instead, from the beginning itself hire the commercial carpet cleaning company to get quality cleaning, saving both time and money.

Searching For Cost-effective Commercial Carpet Cleaning Service?

At Eco Friend Carpet Care, you will get both quality cleaning service plus the value of money. We have a team of highly trained and certified technicians to meet all your requirements for commercial carpet cleaning. We work with clients all over the Las Vegas, Henderson, Vegas Valley, and all nearby locations.

Contact us at 702-768-4900 and get free carpet cleaning estimate or more exciting deals.

Professional tile and grout cleaning services Prolongs Your Tile and Grout

by ciadmin ciadmin No Comments

If you’re looking for help with tile and grout cleaning, our cleaning expert at Eco Friend Carpet Care can simplify your life by providing professional tile and grout cleaning services. For regular tile cleaning, you probably have few products and equipment that you use and try to keep your tile sparkling clean; but just because you have them, that doesn’t mean you should always use them.

Here are some tile care and cleaning mistakes you should avoid:

Using Bleach- And Ammonia-Based Cleaners

There’s a good chance you have some of these types of products in your house for regular cleaning, but you should avoid using them for tile and grout cleaning in Las Vegas, rather than it is better to approach to professional tile and grout cleaning services. Bleach and ammonia-based cleaners will discolor your grout over time; that’s the reason it’s good to use mild, all-purpose cleaner or cleaners recommended by the tile manufacturer.

Utilizing Abrasives

soft cloths and mops to clean both tile and grout.

Make sure you never use steel wool, abrasive scrubbing powders or any other scrubbing material on your tile. Tile has a finish that will be ruined by anything harsh or abrasive, that’s the reason you should always use sponges,

Overlooking Spills

Even with the finish on your tiles, they can still absorb stains. If you spill anything on your tile and grout that can cause a stain, like oily liquids, tomato sauce and beverages like wine and coffee, clean it up quickly so it doesn’t seep in.

Laziness with tile and grout cleaning

Dirt on the surface of your tile is not a huge issue – until someone walks on it and the dirt settles into the tile. Dirt and grit can damage tile and grout, that’s the reason you should sweep or mop tile floors on a regular basis. In addition, consider placing a mat down inside and outside the exterior door to trap dirt before it gets to your tile floor.

Over-Wetting Tile

It’s very easy to splash water on your tile floor when you’re mopping, but it’s not a great idea to splash too much water or to leave it to air dry. The minerals in tap water can easily dull the color of tile and grout. The wetness can help mildew to grow and look dingy and even if the witness air-dries quickly, it can leave tile looking flat and dull.

If your daily cleaning is not working out as you want. Then call Eco Friend Carpet Care to help you. We are ready to serve you. We provide professional tile and grout cleaning services in Las Vegas and nearby areas.

Call us at+1 702) 768-4900 to make your bookings now!!

Unlock The Pet Odor Removal Household Remedies

by ciadmin ciadmin No Comments

No doubt that pets are the most innocent and sweet creatures on the earth. Every homeowner loves their pets, but unluckily accidents happen. If you have a pet that piddles in your home, then don’t rush out and buy some expensive cleaning solution. Instead, use one of the pet odor removal methods mentioned below. household remedies that are safe, simple and effective.

Note: Before you use any cleaning product on the pet urinate areas, it is best to remove pillow, blankets, slipcovers and other materials. This is essential so you can deep clean the areas separately.

Baking Soda

Baking soda solutions are the best in neutralizing strong odors and also proven to be harmless for your pets. Just sprinkle the little of baking soda over the area having a funky smell and let it rest for some time. Scrub brush the area so the odor source can be eliminated. After this, vacuum the area thoroughly so that any small particles get a remove. If the pet odor is very irritating and strong, then you can mix the baking soda with water, rub it to the area and let it dry before vacuuming it.


It is the myth that using vinegar as a pet odor removal tactic would leave your house smelling like vinegar. Vinegar is used to remove the hard-to-remove pet odor and stains. Use vinegar in a spray bottle and apply it to the offending area. Let it settle for several hours and then use the steam cleaner. Also, you can leave the vinegar until it dries so as it smell fades so will the pet odor. Before applying directly, you can test it on a hidden area of the carpet, ensuring vinegar doesn’t affect the color.

Corn Starch

As compared to baking soda, cornstarch is also one of the best pet odor removal household remedies. Sprinkle it on the spoiled area, brush it and leave it for 24 hours. If the odor is very frustrating, then spray the area with water until cornstarch becomes wet thoroughly. Let it dry for some time and then vacuum up all the residue to remove all the cornstarch and the odor.

Busy Work Schedule? Choose Professional Pet Odor Removal Service

For everyday cleaning above mentioned pet odor removal household remedies are the best. But, if you have a tight work schedule and don’t have enough time to clean the then choosing professional pet odor removal service is the smart decision. We, at Eco Friend Carpet Care, are the experts in eliminating any kind of pet odor in time and under your budget.

Looking for more details about our pet odor removal service? Contact us at 702-768-4900 and get in touch with us.

3 Major Benefits of Hiring a Professional Upholstery cleaning

by Eco Friend Carpet Care Eco Friend Carpet Care No Comments

If you are unaware about upholstery cleaning, let me tell you. Upholstery cleaning is one of the essential parts of cleaning in your house and also helps to keep the area germ free. Upholstery cleaning should never be ignored in-house nor in office. Cleaning of soft sofa and armchairs textiles is vital because this is the place where the majority of dust and viruses accumulates. It is essential to keep in mind that you never miss out on any corner of your upholstery while performing upholstery cleaning and vacuuming. To experience the best results, you must hire a professional upholstery cleaner. Hence, there are so many Benefits of Hiring a Professional Upholstery cleaning.

Eco Friend Carpet Care upholstery cleaning services ensure great advantages for your health and keep your drapes and furniture looking brand new. We provide best upholstery cleaning in Las Vegas.

Here we have shared three useful points that state the significance and benefits of hiring a professional upholstery cleaning service for your drapes and furniture looking in the top condition.

  1. Better Health:

The continuous buildup of pathogens and dirt inside your home or office can cause a health risk to you and your family. Without your knowledge, the fleas, dander, and dust can accumulate into your furniture making it unhealthy to use.  In this case, it is very important to hire an upholstery cleaning services to ensure clean and germ-free furniture. Eco Friend Carpet Care professionals will efficiently eliminate the tiny dirt and dust particles without causing any kind of damage to your upholstery fabric. This helps in creating a healthy and dust free atmosphere in your office and home.

  1. Enhanced Indoor Air Quality:

To enhance the indoor air quality of your home or office, they need to have a professional upholstery cleaning in Las Vegas. Usually, the presence of dust, allergens, and mildew are trapped in the upholstery fabrics. Which is the major reason for the cause of bad indoor air quality in your office or home. And also triggers breathing problems. To get rid of a bad indoor air quality, you can rely on professional upholstery cleaners. The professionally trained and knowledgeable cleaners use the appropriate cleaning tools and equipment to properly clean the dirty upholstered furniture.

  1. Guaranteed Safe Cleaning:

Haring professionals to take care of your upholstery furniture is great because professionals take utmost care to clean the upholstery furniture in a safe way. Similarly, Eco Friend Carpet Care uses the correct methods and products, the professional cleaners will effectively clean up the furniture to keep them in pristine condition. Eco Friend Carpet Care upholstery cleaning puts a new life in your upholstered furniture and makes it look and feel new and fresh. There is no doubt, that our upholstery cleaning service will give an experience of safe cleaning and extending its life.

If you are in search of expert upholstery cleaning in Las Vegas? Then you can totally rely on Eco Friend Carpet Care! We specialize in delivering the best upholstery cleaning service to ensure clean and stain-free furniture with an enhanced look and appearance. Our highly trained upholstery cleaners in Las Vegas use industry-standard cleaning equipment and products to deliver the best upholstery cleaning service in Las Vegas.

For booking a professional for upholstery cleaning service, please feel free to contact us today at (702) 768 4900 or fill up our Free Online Estimate.

Experience The Best Tile and Grout Cleaning By Eco Friend Carpet Care

by Eco Friend Carpet Care Eco Friend Carpet Care No Comments

As the holidays begin to approach, we are ready to get a nice break from our schools and offices as Christmas is coming. This is one of the best and annual festival celebrated with joy and happiness. In this time people begin to arrange things in their home. It means close attention is towards cleaning and making the house feel great. There is one thing that is usually overlooked when it comes to cleaning and it’s “Tile and Grout Cleaning”.

Everyone knows that tile plays an important role when it comes to flooring but grout has its own significance. If you have expensive and attractive tile which you clean it on regular basis but what if grout is black and untidy? The overall looks get affected. Regular cleaning and brightening can completely transform a look of your room. While you don’t have to recolor your grout, So, it is a beneficiary if an annual grout cleaning is a part of winter routine.

Get the Gift of Clean Grout

Eco-Friend Carpet Care loves helping people get ready for the Christmas holidays. Whether you need a routine cleaning or a before Christmas cleaning we can provide you both. We are working as a tile and grout specialist in Las Vegas and nearby areas. Our cleaners have years of experience and are specially trained under experts using the modern machines, equipments and cleaning solution. As said “practice makes man perfect“ our cleaners have gone through many practice sessions. Where they have enough knowledge of the type of fabric and the best solution for the same. We can give a guarantee that no one can provide deep Tile and Grout Cleaning as Eco-Friend Carpet Provides in Las Vegas.

We started with limited services in 2010, but now we have expanded our services as well as service areas. This is was only possible with the love and support from our happy clients. Mouth referrals performed a major role in business growth. Locally people love us as the Best Cleaning Service Providers in Las Vegas. We are one of the best tile and grout cleaning companies in Las Vegas and nearby areas.

Want to know What is so special about us?

We are transparent with our rates, there are no hidden charges. You just need to pay for the service you used. Eco Friend Carpet Care provide Carpet Cleaning,  Area Rug Cleaning, Mattress Cleaning, Stone Cleaning, Tile and Grout Cleaning, Pet Odor Removal and Upholstery Cleaning for both your residential and commercial needs. We also specialize in carpet cleaning and we are considered by experts as one of the best carpet cleaning companies in Las Vegas. Similarly, you can follow us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+, and YouTube to know our daily updates and also can take advantage of our new campaigning and offers.

To make your bookings contact us at (702) 768-4900 or fill up our online inquiry form.

These Tips Can Help You To Prolong Your Carpet’s Life

by ciadmin ciadmin No Comments

Carpets are the infamous collector of allergens. Eco Friend Carpet Care professionals are here to help you to stay healthy and fit.

Carpets are normally more shabby in the summer than at any other time. Friends, family and a constant stream of kids in and out mean-tempered grime and allergens. Here are a few tips can help you to prolong your carpet’s life beautiful and functional.


Have family and friends take shoes off at the door, and ask them to do the same. If one will do it, likely others will follow. This will reduce the amount of wear and tear on your carpet, which helps you to maintain your carpet in good shape for longer.


Are you planning for a party or get-together? Consider runners, which can cover the majority of traffic patterns. This will save carpet for a longer time and give people a place to wipe their feet if it is necessary.  Area rugs are great at the entrance to give a warm welcome to your guest.


Vacuum is the best option to keep your carpet clean and beautiful. Nowadays many vacuum cleaners comes with the special upholstery cleaning extension, which is the best option to clean your mattresses and ditch the dust. You can run the vacuum nozzle on the top and sides of the mattress and you can flip the mattress over and vacuum beneath too.


Changing furniture location will affect your carpet sometimes, moving furniture is also a good idea to clean the dust and it also gives different look to your home.


There is no substitution for a professional cleaning. Get in touch with us by calling us or filling up our online enquiry form at Eco Friend Carpet Care to avail the best offers and services in carpet cleaning in Las Vegas. Our professional team will visit your home and use our superior system to bring your carpet back to near showroom condition in no time. This will also reduce allergens and other potential health problems in the home.

We also provide other cleaning services such as:

  • Carpet Cleaning
  • Area Rug Cleaning
  • Mattress Cleaning
  • Upholstery Cleaning
  • Pet Odor Removal
  • Tile & Grout Cleaning
  • Stone Cleaning
  • Commercial Cleaning

Eco Friend Carpet Care has been providing quality carpet cleaning in Las Vegas, NV. What are you waiting for? Call (702) 768-4900 us now to make an appointment and help you keep your carpet looking in great shape.

Mattress Cleaning is Vital For Your Health and Home

by Eco Friend Carpet Care Eco Friend Carpet Care No Comments

It doesn’t matter how much precaution and cleaning you do. You may always overlook one of the most important area that plays an significant role in your indoor quality. Yes I am talking about your mattress.

Every night when you go to bed, your body creates approx. 200-300 ml of sweat and shed nearly a gram of skin. Your mattress can easily become a breeding ground for fungal spores, bacteria, and dust mites that feed on your shed skin.  

The average mattress is home to about 2 million mites. It’s no surprise that without regular mattress cleaning, it is possible that the area were you enjoy the best dreams can be the dirtiest place of your home.

Your Mattress and Air Quality

There are many sources of indoor air pollution. Along with paint, glue, and smoke, your home’s air quality can be affected by biological contaminants in the air. This includes dust mites, cockroaches, pollen, mildew, mold, viruses, bacteria, and pet dander.

Indoor air pollution can be possible through many sources. Along with paint, glue, and smoke, your home’s air quality can also become contaminated air. This includes dust mites, cockroaches, pollen, mildew, mold, virus, bacteria that call your a mattress home, it’s easy to see why your mattress can be main source of contaminants in your air. After all, you almost spend 7-8 hours every night on average.

How Often Should You Should Clean Mattress?

Most of us ignore cleaning when it comes to mattress or fail to give a proper clean when performing mattress cleaning. It is vital to wash bedding’s at least once a week to reduce the amount of sweat, skin, oil, and fluids that get into your mattress. While your pillow must be cleaned at least two times in 6 months for great results.

When it is about your mattress, make sure you have mattress cleaning twice a year at the interval of 6 month.

Mattress cleaning is vital and needs to be done at proper interval of time. Dirty mattress can be major cause of you health issues. Dirty mattress can also trigger respiratory problem for you, as you breathe the air which has lethal contaminants.

Eco-Friend carpet care are the leaders in mattress cleaning in Las Vegas and nearby areas. We have years of experience in mattress cleaning and even our cleaners are specially trained for mattress cleaning. If you think your mattress needs a professional help you can call us Eco-Friend carpet cleaning at (702) 768-4900

Do you remember when did you last clean your mattress?

by Eco Friend Carpet Care Eco Friend Carpet Care No Comments

As we already told you in our previous blogs that, a person spends almost a 1/3 of his life sleeping on mattress. So do you keep your mattress clean? At what interval do you give a deep clean to your mattress? When did you last clean your carpet? you might be thinking that how to defend these bombarding questions. Actually we can bet you that, you even can’t remember when you last gave it a deep clean. In fact the couch in your hall is only used in the day hours, even though it has seen the bristle of your vacuum cleaner more time than your mattress.

This is the time to really change it. It will not only help to clean mattress but it will also help to promote a good night sleep. Additionally, it will also protect your mattress from costly and nasty pest infestations and help your mattress to last longer.

When did you last Clean your Mattress?

If it was possible for you to see what’s lurking into your mattress with your naked eye, then we’re sure you will be shocked. Just because you can’t see it, it doesn’t mean that your mattress is clean. Without cleaning treatment, it’s obvious, they are not going anywhere.

Majority of mattress can be contaminated with excrement from dead skin flakes, dust mites, bacteria, and molds. This could really be dangerous for you and your family. In fact, doctors association has rolled out a report. That report shows that Guanine(an allergen), found in dust mite excrement, is the main cause for many allergic reactions. The doctors day that it can also cause lifelong allergies.

Dust mites settle wherever they see mattress, and the mattress can accommodate up to 1 million dust mites at a time. They love the fact that it’s nice and warm for approximately 8 hours a night, and that there’s a ready supply of food in the form of dry skin flakes. In fact, they eat so much that they can excrete twice their body weight at least once a day.

Do you know how does people in contact with dust mites?

When people move on and around the mattress it pretends like a set of bellows and sends dust particles containing Guanine up into the air. These particles move place to place in the air through the bedding and  land on your face and skin so that you breathe them in as you sleep.

Although you may not suffer from allergies wouldn’t it be comforting to know that you’re not sharing your bed with thousand of dust mites every night?

Specialist mattress cleaning

At Eco Friend Carpet care, our professional use special mattress cleaning materials and sanitizing techniques which not only removes general dirt, stains, and odors but also hygienically remove the bad guys without using any chemicals that are toxic. Our experts recommend that your mattress should be cleaned twice a year to keep it fresh and clean.

Call us to make your bookings. We provide mattress cleaning in Las Vegas and nearby areas. We have the best mattress cleaners in Las Vegas and nearby areas.

Call us on: (702) 768-4900