Carpet Cleaning las vegas

Top 3 Carpet Cleaning Hacks That Every Homeowner Needs

by ciadmin ciadmin No Comments

Carpet is the element which adds beauty and elegance to your home. However, they attract dirt, stains and pet hair. Over time, you realize that your carpet tone has become darker than before. The reason is the accumulation of dust pollutants and liquids spill on the carpet. Here, you require thorough carpet cleaning which eliminates all the dust pollutants and stains.

Vacuuming can also help you remove the dirt from the carpet but it will only remove from the upper surface. So, with regular vacuuming quality cleaning is also important. This provides not only neat and clean carpet but also extend its life. But, where to start the cleaning process? This is one of the common questions which arises in every homeowner’s mind.

Here, we have mentioned the top 3 hacks about carpet cleaning to provide you with clean and healthy flooring.

Oil carpet freshener

If you want your carpet to smell fresh and good, then make sure you deodorize it by adding the few drops of essential oil and some baking soda. Just mix it well so the oil completely gets absorbed and then you can keep it in a glass container. When you want to use it, then shake the container and sprinkle it on the carpet, leave it for 10 minutes and then vacuum it. This way you can get a fresh and clean carpet surface.

Use iron to remove stains

Remember, do not put the hot iron on the carpet immediately as this can damage the fabric. Instead, first vacuum it so that all the dust pollutants gets removed and then dampen any stain or spot with a towel concentrated with a mixture of vinegar and water. After that, put the moist towel over the stain and use the iron to heat the towel. This way you can easily remove the stain without damaging the carpet fabric.

Fluffing technique

Does your carpet has lost its softness? Then fluff it up by using the spray containing the mixture of equal parts vinegar and water. Allow the mixture to settle down and then blot up the stain or affected area. Take a spoon and hold it on its side, then run on the carpet area to fluff up the fibers. So, that it can stand straight again, providing the feeling of softness.

Looking For More Carpet Cleaning Tips?

For more in-depth instructions on how to clean your carpet at home, contact Eco Friend Carpet Care. Along with useful cleaning tips, we also provide quality cleaning services to both residential and commercial clients in Las Vegas and nearby areas. To know more about our daily updates and new offers, follow us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+, and YouTube. Also, to make your bookings contact us at (702) 768-4900 or fill up our online inquiry form.

Unlock the Importance of Commercial Carpet Cleaning

by ciadmin ciadmin No Comments

Carpets are one of the important parts of office environments because they help you create a comfortable yet refreshing working space. Also, appealing carpet flooring makes the first positive impression of your company and speak volumes on your care for the employee’s workplace. Here, commercial carpet cleaning plays a very important role.

Every carpet differs from each other and made up of contrasting fabrics. Therefore, if your commercial carpeting is designed for high foot traffic environments, then also you have to maintain it. Because you can’t guarantee that for how long will it can tolerate the foot traffic. Therefore, hiring experienced and reputable commercial carpet cleaning company is essential.

Why Professionals are Hired To Clean the Carpets?

This is one of the commonly asked questions among the business owners thinking for carpet cleaning. Professionals have years of experience and knowledge to perform every cleaning task. They know how and what it requires cleaning your commercial carpets thoroughly. Besides that, they deep clean your dirty carpets, preventing the accumulation of dirt and debris.

They use eco-friendly cleaning solutions which act as the protective layer against the factors responsible for reducing the life of your commercial carpet flooring. The commercial cleaning company also has a team of cleaners who have enough training to fulfill your carpet cleaning needs in a timely manner. There are other benefits of cleaning carpet for your workplace.

Merits of Carpet Cleaning For Your Commercial Space

  •    Increase employee productivity

Employees work harder in a neat and clean environment. An untidy workplace with dirty carpets can kill the motivation of the employees. Hiring a reputable commercial carpet cleaning company reflects your care towards workplace environment. Also, it helps the employee to work faster inhaling fresh smell.

  •    Attracts new customers to your business

Let’s face the reality, the appearance of your commercial workplace matters the most in up keeping and attracting new customers to your business. Having a grimy and unhealthy workplace are the main reasons that discourage employees or customers. Keeping your carpets clean with the help of an expert will encourage your customers to stay longer and invest money in your business.

  •    Save both money and time

Companies who are trying to hire their own carpet cleaning equipment and tools end up spending more money and then they hired someone to do the job. If you are the one, then stop to prevent the wastage of money and time. Instead, from the beginning itself hire the commercial carpet cleaning company to get quality cleaning, saving both time and money.

Searching For Cost-effective Commercial Carpet Cleaning Service?

At Eco Friend Carpet Care, you will get both quality cleaning service plus the value of money. We have a team of highly trained and certified technicians to meet all your requirements for commercial carpet cleaning. We work with clients all over the Las Vegas, Henderson, Vegas Valley, and all nearby locations.

Contact us at 702-768-4900 and get free carpet cleaning estimate or more exciting deals.