Best Places to Keep Oriental Rugs

Best Places to Keep Oriental Rugs

by Eco Friend Carpet Care

We love oriental rugs because of their bright colors and patterns and its handwoven beautiful appearance. Many people prefer to lay these rugs in their hallway or in their living room area. Nevertheless, this interior concept is used so often that it literally skills oriental rugs splendid look. Instead of using your beautiful rug in your living room try something different. Save your house from overused interior decisions and find the new area for your Oriental rugs.

If your bathroom is spacious and allows it to move your oriental rug there is a quite bold, yet interesting design decision. If you have a huge bathroom space, the Oriental rug can bring an exotic feeling to the east. You can enhance this look of the bathroom, by adding candles, soap dish and other appropriate accessories. After applying these changes your bathroom experience won’t be the same. Make sure you put a pad underneath the rug, to avoid mold growth. Probably the worst thing about having an original oriental rug hat it has is very sensitive with water and can easily get degraded by the moisture. Rug cleaning will be a nightmare, it’s better you call professionals such as Eco-Friend carpet care.

Here are some best places to keep oriental rugs.

The bedroom is the ideal place for a beautiful rug

Master bedrooms are the best place to lay down any oriental rug. Normally people decorate their bedroom with soft & light colors. Laying Turkish, Indian, Persian or any other variety of the large group is known as oriental rugs. The vivid color and patterns will totally change the look of your bedroom. Additionally, the sleeping area actually is considered the best location for these types of expensive rugs. The reason behind is that the bedroom has low traffic as compared to the living area. This will need less cleaning and maintenance than other locations.

Oriental rug in the kitchen?

Keeping Persian or Indian rug where you cook and dine is a courageous interior decision that will change the kitchen area look. A kitchen always benefits from warm colors. To get the best of this concept you will probably need to add suitable accessories too such as kitchen towel, nice porcelain oil, and vinegar set with geometric flower print and many more.  

As you might have observed there are plenty of new ways to display a beautiful oriental rug, so don’t need to stick to the living room. If you are about to change the home look.  You can use some of the idea that our expert has shared with you through this article.

If you want professional help in rug cleaning, call Eco-Friend carpet care. We serve rug cleaning in Las Vegas and nearby areas. We have years of experience in rug cleaning. That’s the reason we are the leading service provider of rug cleaning in Las Vegas.

Contact us at (702) 768-4900and get the best services from Eco-Friend carpet care.

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